Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pest Control Treatment $45 Groupon

Minimum Bid: $25.00

This Groupon deal is for $45 toward an indoor and outdoor
pest control treatment.

Whether your home nemeses are bed bugs, termites, fleas, or even the dreaded roach, this eco-friendly, organic-based bug beater provides a safe and effective solution to your worst pest problems. Nature's Own, which has served the greater Houston area for more than 12 years, begins all its treatments with a comprehensive inspection of your home to pinpoint problem areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements indoors as well as eaves, garages, sheds, woodpiles, and more outside. With Nature's Own traveling up to 60 miles of downtown Houston, you can finally put an end to the pestering.

Courtesy of: Kim Foster

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The auction was closed at 12:00pm. Any bids after that time were not counted. Apologies, but thanks for loving the Gangers!

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