Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Birth Doula Services

Minimum Bid: $175

Actual Value: $650

What is a doula?

The word "doula" comes from ancient Greek and is commonly used as a term meaning “labor companion” or “childbirth assistant.” A doula provides non-medical physical and emotional support before, during, and immediately following labor and delivery. 

What can my doula do for me?

As your doula, my goals are to:

* Meet with you at least twice before your birth to help you develop a birth plan, discuss relaxation techniques for childbirth, and provide whatever information or support you might need.
* Be available at all times by email or phone to answer questions, explain any developments that may arise during your pregnancy, or simply to encourage you.
* Maintain complete confidentiality of all details relating to your pregnancy and birth.
* Be on call 24/7 for two weeks before your due date and up to two weeks after your due date to attend your birth when you go into labor.
* Provide a back-up doula in the event I am unable to attend your birth.
* Meet you at your home or at the hospital or birthing center, whichever you prefer, once you are in labor.
* Provide continuous support while you are in labor. (I may take short beaks for meals and rest if time allows, but this will be discussed with you at the time and I will not leave you if it is inappropriate.)
* Utilize non-medical support techniques for labor and birth.  This may include massages, positioning suggestions, counter pressure, and other techniques to make you more comfortable.
* Strive to maintain a calm and peaceful birth environment.
* Stay with you for an hour or two after birth to make sure everyone is comfortable and settled in.
* Provide initial breastfeeding support, as well as a follow-up assessment at our postpartum visit.  
* Visit you at your home a week or so after your baby is born to review your birth experience and ensure breastfeeding is going well.

A doula is not a medical professional, and therefore, does not perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure checks or vaginal examinations. I will also not make decisions for you. I will support you by providing information and explanations you may want about your choices, but it’s always you who decides what’s best for you.

Courtesy of: New Birth Doula


  1. $175

    What a beautiful thing you are doing for your friends! Best of luck on their adoption journey!

  2. $200

    (I'm upping my own bid, really my husband is! lol)

  3. Sheri and David SkipperAugust 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM

    We would like to bid $300

  4. Ashley Turner-StellAugust 22, 2012 at 8:00 AM


  5. woo hoo!!!

  6. congrats!


The auction was closed at 12:00pm. Any bids after that time were not counted. Apologies, but thanks for loving the Gangers!

If you're the winner of the auction, expect an email with instructions soon.