About the Ganger Family

Tim, Sarah, Eliza (age 3) and Jude (age 2) are currently in Uganda with the two newest additions to their family. (Note: Since their adoption is not yet final, and the Gangers have not yet published their childrens' names and photos, that information will not be on this blog. But just trust us that their two new children are precious!)

We long to bring all 6 of them home, and that is why this blog was formed. Due to some unforeseen complications, the Ganger family is required to stay in Uganda for 4-6 weeks longer than originally planned. This online auction was assembled and made possible by many friends, family members, and strangers passionate about adoption, so that the Ganger family will be provided for and able to bring home their children. Thank you for joining us in this!

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The auction was closed at 12:00pm. Any bids after that time were not counted. Apologies, but thanks for loving the Gangers!

If you're the winner of the auction, expect an email with instructions soon.